July 24, 2005


You know, I began this particular article in one of thoes pious mindsets in which I felt as if I was the only one thinking these thoughts, or that I was the person who is going to be read the most and somehow change society by how professional, attractive, and "inspirational" my blogs are. I mean, talk about self-delusional bull-shit!! But, that's how our ego works sometimes ("it's all about me!!"). The truth is, I love virtue. I think it's one of those things that God strengthens and renews in our fight against the evil in our world.

So what is "virtue" then? Does it mean that the virtuous man walks about all spiffed-up, giving flowers to ladies as he opens doors for them? Or is it about giving up our seat for someone who seems to need it most? On the contrary, I would say that "virtue" seems to have very little to do with our actions, but everything to do with our hearts - our secret motives, or the desires that drive us. Of course there are virtuous actions, such as the theological or cardinal virtues, but these acts can only bloom out of a heart that is rooted in prayer.

So you want to be truly virtuous and not just "nice"? Get back to God. Get back to the heart of worship. Submit to the loving tenderness of the divine life of Christ. Ask Him to permeate your being so that it would be in a state of constant conversion, a state that understands that we must decrease and He must increase. Without allowing God to rule in our hearts, our actions would only be "nice" as opposed to earth-shattering. You want to change the world? Change your life.