April 18, 2009

A New Baby on the Way

My wife is pregnant with our second kid. With our first, it seemed pretty surreal. We were always struggling to figure out how to discipline, or how much TV to watch, or which time is the best to send her to bed, what should we feed her, and just normal, new-parent kind of stuff.  Now that we are having a new baby in the family, I feel like I am mourning something: a phase that has come to an end. Our daughter will no longer be our only child--she will no longer be an only child. There will soon be another baby in the family, and I feel like I am mourning the loss of a phase. But everything passes; everything will either change or develop into something new and wondrous, a new thing to be discovered. Anyway, to run the risk of becoming melancholic and sentimental, I must stop here, and just add this: it is very exciting to have children. 

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